Tuesday, November 15, 2011

White Space

Such a marvelous sight.

Space in which can be filled with imagination and creativity.

A joyous event where the mind can play and frolic.

That empty space where new lives can begin.

and journeys can commence.

That endless realm of thought,

Revealing new tales of heroes and villains.

This is the chance for the author—the creator

To tackle the mind’s original process of construction.

To build a new beginning

And end wherever it may go.

That marvelous sight of the white space of a sheet of paper.

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's a tough Process

So, I have recently been named the President of my college's Poetry Club. As excited as I was, I was more than happy to take up the position. I mean, hey, I had been the President of my highschool's poetry club. But little did I know what work was in store for me.

I knew there was some interest in the club, but I forgot to remember that it is hard to pull in those interested people for the simple fact that they are nervous. This happens to everyone when it comes to poetry. They are nervous about sharing their creative prowess and wait for someone else to take the lead. Well, that is what I'm going to do.

I have to get the word out about this club and show those students that they have nothing to be afraid. We should surround ourselves with constructive criticism as we workshop each other's work, and we should also maintain a level of fun and enjoyment. I have big plans for this group and I am willing to go through some turbulence to see them though.

Wish me luck, my Blogger pals!

Friday, June 17, 2011

2-year Haitus - What I'm Up To

Wow, I'm surprised that I'm back after so long. So . . . what brought me back? Well, I could say that I missed blogging, but that wouldn't be the entire truth. I came back because I wanted to find my passion in poetry and reflectional writing again. Therefore, the reason why I stopped blogging was because I didn't have to write poetry anymore. Now, how can I say such a thing? Someone was making me write poetry? Yes and no. It was required for a class, but I had already found my enjoyment in writing it. So when the class stopped, so did my ability to crank out the poetry. It was more like a catalyst, this class. I love poetry, I still do, but I couldn't find that drive anymore. I guess you can say my inspiration was low.

I did, however, found a new passion for short stories! During my break I began the new path of writing more prose pieces than poetry. And, hey, it's fun! I've gotten a lot done and I'm proud of myself. I've written about 5 to 6 new short fictions (they may not be completed) and found my strength in that. I'm taking these creative writing and novel writing courses and they are really helping flesh out my skills.

Aside from that, I'm really trying to keep up with my writing (this blog as an outlet) and see if I can expand myself. I hope I can gather new Followers; thank you to those who still are my Followers. I'll also try to post more often and get back into my poetry grove. You can expect some excerpts from my short stories and my thoughts on some topics. I mean, that's what a blog is for, right?